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Monday, March 14, 2011

Review of the Magnum Work Pro Ultra WPi CT boots

*note: Magnum Boots supplied me Free of charge with a Pair of Work Pro Ultra WPi CT boots to test.*

To tell you the truth I have never been much of a boot guy other than of course my hunting boots. After wearing these boots for almost two weeks straight I think I’m beginning to like boots more and more. Follow along as I fill you in on how I put these brand new pair of Magnum Work Pro Ultra WPi CT boots through a series of tests to see how they would hold up.

Spanking new just out of the box
When I first put them on I couldn’t believe how comfortable they were I just couldn’t get over it. They felt like I had a pair of shoes on. As I started to walk around the house with them I realized how light they were and they even have a safety toe.

Test 1

I don’t work in manufacturing, so I had to do my best to see how comfortable they were without being on the plant floor all day. I wore them to work, grocery shopping, snow shoveling, walking the dog, and just about any place I could think of. My feet never once got blisters or even the least bit sore. I would have to say these boots passed test one with flying colors. I also want to add the boots looked very nice and I was able to ware them to work with out being the least bit hesitant.


Would they keep my feet warmer than an ordinary pair of shoes. Being it isn’t fall and I don’t have the opportunity to help my family cut wood in the chilly fall weather. I figured shoveling my drive way after a 3 and ½ inch snow fall would have to suffice. I shoveled for a good 45 minutes in 20 degree weather and my feet never once got cold. Test 2 Pass

Shoveling away

Now the right foot

45 Minutes later

Test 3

How water proof are these work boots really. Most of the time when you buy a pair of work boots you sacrifice waterproofing for comfort and safety.

What did I do beside shoveling snow and walking the dog through snow drifts. I took the Work Pro Ultra WPi CT’s with me to the car wash and sprayed them down with the pressure washer for a good 30 seconds each. Being that these boots aren’t rubber I thought I was surely going home with wet feet. To my amazement when I got home my feet were bone dry. Test 3 Pass

At the car wash yeah!
Weapon of choice

The Work Pro Ultra WPi CT's are like the Super Man of work boots nothing can stop them

Test 4

How good is this composite Safety toe. I wanted to try and simulate a tool or a block of wood falling on my toe. I searched around the house and found a five pound weight. I figured tools don’t very often weight more than five pounds, but wood blocks and steel can weigh a lot. I guess I didn’t want to find anything heavier just for the fact that I didn’t want to miss my toe and accidental hit my leg and injure myself.

I dropped the weight roughly about 2 and ½ feet down to my toe on each foot to see how well the boots actually worked. Well need less to say I didn’t have to go to the doctor for a broken toe, so the boots pass Test 4 as well.

5 LBS. and it's ready to work

Left foot, no chance. I didn't feel that
The boot was so tough even the weight had to stand up and applaud it.

Here are a few other features I discovered while testing out these great work boots.

Check out the sole on these boots, no loss of traction here I know you could take these bad boys out on a hike and be just fine.
Just so you know there is no way you're falling down with these bad boys on

The boots are slip ons and without any laces. At first I was thinking no way will this even be comfortable I need to be able to tie my boots tight to my foot. I was wrong super comfort and great when you’re in a hurry.

The finger loops on the either side of each boot. These loops make putting your boots on super easy.

super easy to put on

The Moisture wicking lining is great me feet never got all sweaty.

The M-PACT sock liner with memory foam as is awesome like I said before the boots are very comfortable.

You know how I mentioned how light these boots were the reason it the ion-mask technology. I won't go into details but it protects the boot without being bothersome. Follow the link for more info. 

Last but not least the boots are Electrical-hazard resistant.

Here is one last cool thing about The Magnum Work Pro Ultra WPi CT. Say you just got off of work and you have to stop at the bank. Your boots are all marked up and look funky no need to worry check out the images below to see why.
All scuffed up

The boot about to be magic with the help of my thumb

and there you have it all ready for the bank
If you are looking for a new pair of work boots your search should start and stop here with The Magnum Work Pro Ultra WPi CT.


Magnum Boots USA said...

Glad to hear that you liked these boots, Ben! Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Way to go the extra mile on this review Ben! These boots sure with stood the test too. Very nice!

Andrew Boe said...


Excellent blog. Really love the mix of posts.

Visit me if you get a chance.



Magnum Boots 6" Viper II Boots said...
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