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Monday, November 22, 2010

My most Frustrating deer hunting season yet (part 5)

Image credit Eponabri
That next Tuesday my cousin Aaron shot a doe. I wasn’t able to hunt until the following weekend, but the fate of my second and final weekend would be partially determined on the Wednesday afternoon before the weekend arrived.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My most Frustrating deer hunting season yet (part 4)

image credit Sharpy70
After cutting up the deer we all headed back out to the parking lot, so we could get back out to the woods for the afternoon/evening hunt. At this point I had the idea to move my stand.  I thought what better place than where I heard all of the deer cross the small stream.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My most Frustrating deer hunting season yet (part 2)

image credit wpclipart
After filling my belly with a couple of ham sandwiches and some other snacks I headed out to find a new spot. I had a rough idea of where I was going to go. I walked around for about a half an hour trying to find the perfect tree. Then I saw it, it was great just out in a swamp not far for the edge of the woods. The only problem was it was extremely difficult to get to. I tried approaching it form the east and couldn’t find a good way to get there, so I walked to the west side of the tree and still couldn’t find a good way to get to it. Well this would be an amazing spot, but there is no way I would ever be able to find this tree in the early the next morning with just my head lamp. Let alone be quite doing so. The search continued for the next best tree.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My most Frustrating deer hunting season yet (part 1)

photo credit to Wonderlane

As every year goes this year of deer shot gun opener started out with a ton of optimism, excitement, and my typical one new piece of gear(Muck boots). The night before the season started I still wasn’t 100% sure where I was going to sit. I had it narrowed down to three spots which in my opinion were all very good.
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