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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Abnormal Outdoors

Ben G. Outdoors is Proud to present our new blog Abnormal Outdoors. Don't worry Ben G. Outdoors is not going away. We are just adding a new blog to our arsenal. Abnormal Outdoors is going to be devoted to providing the outdoor world with the Strange, weird, and odd things that happen in the outdoors. We just put up our first post today.

 If you or someone you know has had anything strange happen to them in the outdoors, or if you find something weird on the web please feel free to shoot us an email at and we will gladly post it.

So if you haven't already checked it out click on the link and check out Abnormal Outdoors.


Ben G.
Monday, December 27, 2010

Huge Duck Blind

I came across these photos a few months ago and thought I should share them with everyone.  Enjoy
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays to Everyone

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy your time off and be safe.

Amber, Ben, Daffy, Nolan, & Wyatt

Thanks for another GREAT year!

Ben G.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tips for staying safe out on the ice

image credit themadcanudist

Never take ice for granted, at any time it can break. There are under water currents, springs, and other factors that can weaken ice. It’s good practice to always ice fish with someone, but I know it is not always possible. No mater how cold it is snow can act as an insulator to the ice a cause ice to form a lot slower than you think it would. Especially this year with all the snow on the ice and the below zero temps I would caution you not to drive a vehicle on the ice just yet. Here are a few more tips to keep you safe on the ice.
Friday, December 10, 2010

My Outdoor Christmas letter to Santa

image credit MGSwarbs

This is my wish list to Santa for the Outdoor Blogger Network Outdoor Writing Prompt ~ All I want for Christmas…

Dear Santa,

I’ve been a super good boy this year and I was hoping you could do me a huge favor and give me everything I ask for It’s not like I’ve ever asked for much in the past. Being you’re an outdoor guy this year my list might be a bit bigger.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Brown Antlered Ghost

Here is a poem I wrote a few seasons back. I did a bit of revising and thought I would share it with everyone. Hope you enjoy it.

image credit theapoc

Monday, December 6, 2010

Adding Cameras to Your Hunting Toolbox

image credit jurvetson
 Guest post By Maureen Page

Game cameras, aka "hunting cameras," "trail cameras" or "scouting cameras" have come a long way in recent years. Hunting cameras are used to help pinpoint where the game is. Prior to hunting season, the cameras are set up in various locations. Then, after weeks or months, the cameras are retrieved to see which locations were attracting the most wildlife. Think of them as surveillance cameras for the woods. But unlike surveillance cameras for a home or business, hunting cameras have some special requirements. First and foremost they must be entirely self-contained, battery operated, and weather and game proof. Game cameras can cost from $50 up to $600 depending on the features that you desire.
Friday, December 3, 2010

My most Frustrating deer hunting season yet (part 6 final)

image credit Dawn Endico

Sunday was the final day of the season. How many shots had I fired so far ZERO I think that has only happened to me NEVER.

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