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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mr. Tom It's so nice to meet you

Hey everyone I have been thinking about turkey hunting non stop since deer season was over. I couldn't help myself. I had to write a poem about how optimistic I am about this coming season. So here goes

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spiral Wrap Fishing Rods

Just what the heck is a spiral wrap rod? This unusual form of fishing rod has eyes that don’t line up—which looks mighty strange upon first glance, but often becomes a love affair after first use.

All rods have a spine running in a line from tip to butt, which is stronger than the rest of the rod. High-quality rods are assembled with the guides directly overtop (for casting) or underneath (for spinning) the spine, but in many cases, they’re a tiny bit off. And in low-cost rods, the spine is often ignored completely. As a result, whenever the rod is under load, it wants to rotate slightly to the left or the right. Because of the weight of the reel and changing directions of the fish, you might never have noticed this, but you’ll feel it in your wrist after a long day of fishing because your hand is always working a bit to keep that rod straight. In some rods you can even see this rotation. The tip of the rod may “fold” over and rotate noticeably; as a result the line can rub against the rod itself instead of only the guides, causing friction and eventually, a break-off.

Read the rest of the article Spiral Wrap Fishing Rods

Friday, January 21, 2011

B.A.S.S. Helps Save the Bass

Here is a great article from the folks at Earth Sports

We know you’re psyched for the 2011 Bassmaster Classic we are too, and EarthSports will be at the Classic Expo in the Ernest N.Morial Convention Center, in full strength next month—but B.A.S.S has found a way to make the classic work out in the fish’s advantage, too. They’ve partnered up with the Louisiana Wildlife Federation (LWF) and the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) in campaigns to promote the restoration and protection of Louisiana’s imperiled coastal wetlands and reconnect the Mississippi River to its delta.

To read the rest of this article go to Earth Sports

Ben G.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trout Fishing September 2010 (Part 4 Final)

Our last morning came way too quick. We were up early and loaded all our things into the truck. Then we went to go eat breakfast in the hotel once again. It was exactly the same imagine that. Then shortly after that we were on the road to find the new fishing spot.

View of Grand Marais from the gun flint trail

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Trout Fishing September. 2010 (Part 3)

On our way back to the truck we met an older gentleman and his wife on their UTV. It turned out that they liked to ride all of the old logging trails he use to use when he was a logger in his younger days. He also told us about a fishing spot way back on the trails near one of his last logging trips.
He went into great detail on how to get there using the trails, but as he kept explaining he started confusing himself and me. Gary however was able to get the correct directions from his or so we thought.
After our lunch we set out to go find this place that had a canoe and a couple of nice fishing holes. George and I let Gary take the lead because he was the one who understood the directions. We just kept riding and riding, but form what this gentleman had said we seemed to be on the right path.
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Trout Fishing September 2010 (Part 2)

Day two started out nice and early. We ate a quick breakfast in the hotel. It was pretty good, but not great. Afterwards we headed up to the secret spot to try and catch some brook trout. It was a bit chilly out so that meant the four wheeler ride was going to seem longer than it should.

When we got to the 4x4 trail we hurriedly unloaded the ATV’s and packed all of our fishing gear on the four wheelers. I was so excited to get back to this stream we discovered the year before I almost went the wrong way a couple of times. When we arrived at our destination George, Gary, and I all grabbed the gear we would need from the ATV’s and started fishing.

Cast one, two, three, four, and five all produced nothing. I didn’t hear any excitement from George or Gary either. “Oh no” I thought to myself “had our great fishing hole dried up?” The just as the thought had crossed my mind I heard the splash of Gary catching a rather nice Brookie. Then shortly after it was my turn to catch one. All together I caught about five nice trout before we decided to move on and look for some new fishing holes.

Gary's 1st Brook Trout

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Trout Fishing September 2010 (Part 1)

For the past two years I have been able to go on a great little trout fishing outing with my Father- in- Law George and my Brother-in-Law Gary. Both times I’ve had a ton of fun and can’t wait till next year. Sit back and read my journal of another amazing trip.
Just like last year we started out early Saturday morning the weekend after Labor Day. This time I was getting over a bad cold and the night before wasn’t even 100% sure I was going to be able to go (I actually almost stayed home).  The five and a half hour drive took much longer this time because of road construction (Minnesota’s other season) and some sort of an inline skate race in Duluth.
We finally reached stop number one the Cross River.  This was the same stop we made last year, but this time things were very wet and the river was much higher. Which in my opinion would mean better fishing right?

It was a bit foggy as you can see

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