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Friday, August 28, 2009
My List of 10; What can I hunt or fish for next?
11:54 AM | Posted by
Ben G. |
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OK I have been hunting and fishing for quite some time, and I have been pretty limited to the types of hunting and fishing I have done. There are quite a few different animals and types of hunting and fishing I would like to try out. I have either been limited by time or money. I did knock one off of my list this spring. Turkey hunting oh was it fun, and now I’m going to go every year. I think my brother (check out his blog ArborView ) wants to go with next year. Luke and I will take him to our secret spot, and hopefully he will have more luck then I did. So here is my list in no particular order.
1. I would love to find the time to go bow hunting for deer (or any animal for that matter). I think it would be very challenging and a lot of fun. I guess I just have to save up and buy a bow. Maybe I can convince Wyatt to start bow hunting, and I will have to go then. Right? (I’ll be waiting for a while.)
2. Duck hunting, I’ve never officially been duck hunting, but I have shot a duck or two while out grouse/pheasant hunting ((it was legal I had my stamps). We use to always get our small games licenses and every stamp we could buy just in case). I think this one would be the most achievable for me.
3. Goose hunting, OK I went goose hunting one time, but I didn’t even see a goose. I guess it counts, but I want to get some shooting in (this one should be pretty easy to do again).
4. Deep sea fishing, I think this would be a blast. I don’t even care for what type of fish. (After I catch one or two fish I’m sure my list will grow to different species of fish.) This one might be a challenge living in Minnesota. I have fished off shore in Hawaii, but I was just a kid and I don’t think I caught anything.
5. Antelope, now this seems like a real challenge. Nothing for miles around, but fences and tall grass. How do you even get close enough to shoot these guys? Hopefully some day I’ll find out.
6. Netting suckers with Jesse in northern Minnesota. Jesse one of my good friends who lives north of Virginia was talking to me about netting suckers this spring. Wow did that sound like a ton of fun. I’m hoping to make it up there next season.
7. Hog hunting, for some reason I have always thought this would be a blast. I am thinking this one would be challenging because from what I remember on grandma and grandpa’s farm pigs are very smart.
8. Bear hunting, I think this one would also be a lot of fun. I’m pretty sure Amber wouldn’t let this one fly. I wouldn’t want to put her through all the worries either, because I know she would worry the whole time I was gone that I was going to get attacked.
9. Coyote, I guess this one would work in place of bear hunting, it might not even be close to the same, but it’s still predator hunting.
10. Salmon fishing, it would be great to get a chance to do this. Maybe someday I can go Salmon fishing around the streams that feed into Lake Superior.
I think I could just keep going and going with my list, but I’ll stop now and call this my top ten list of Hunting and Fishing I would like to do. I hope you will be able to hear about some of these hunting and fishing adventures my in future posts.
Is there any type of hunting and fishing you want to do, but just haven’t gotten the chance? Let me know I’d love to hear about it. Maybe we can plan a hunting or fishing trip together.
Ben G.
Other lists
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Dates to remember for this up coming 2009 MN hunting season.
1:02 PM | Posted by
Ben G. |
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Morning Dove season opens 9-1-09
Snipe and Rail Season also opens on 9-1-09
Early Canada Goose Season 9-5-09 (Tentative)
Dead line for Antlerless Deer Lottery 9-10-09. I urge you to take a look at the deer hunting map because the DNR changed a bunch of the Managed deer hunting areas to an Anterless Lottery. They also made a lot of changes to zone 3 early season.
Youth Waterfowl Hunt Day 9-19-09
Archery Deer Season 9/19/09
Small game season 9/19/09
Sharptailed grouse season 9/19/09
Woodcock Season 9/19/09
Take-a-kid Hunting Weekend 9-26-09
Moose hunt north east 10-3-09
Pheasant season 10-10-09
Early Antlerless Deer opener 10-10-09
Fall Turkey Hunt 1st season 10-14-09
Prairie Chicken season 10-17-09
Fall turkey Hunt 2nd season 10-21-09
Furbearer trapping north zone 10-24-09
Fox - Gray and Red Fox season 10-24-09
Badger, Opossum and Raccoon season 10-24-09
Furbearer trapping south zone 10-31-09
Deer hunt - Firearm opener 11-7-09
Deer hunt - Muzzleloader season 11-28-09
Trapping season – Bobcat 11-28-09
Fisher and Pine Marten season 11-28-09
Spring Turkey Hunt Lottery Deadline 1-8-10
Ben G.
dates to remember
Monday, August 24, 2009
Shaping up to be a busy fall
12:22 PM | Posted by
Ben G. |
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I am starting to get really excited about this coming fall. I already have a two day fishing trip set up and a tentative one day small game trip.
If all goes as planned I will be heading up to the north shore area of Lake Superior. I am leaving the Saturday fallowing Memorial weekend for some trout fishing with my Father-in-law George & Brother-in-law Gary. I can’t wait; I haven’t been trout fishing since I lived in Idaho in over ten years. I know they have been doing this for a few years now, but I’m not sure how many. I was going to go last year, but, Wyatt was due to be born around that time.
I am also going to go small game hunting with my buddy Luke. I believe we are going to go mostly for ruffed grouse. I haven’t been out small game hunting since the fall of 2007 again because of the birth of my son. So this will be Daffy’s first official bird hunt. I hope the training I gave her last summer stuck. I guess I’ll find our around the 19th. Maybe I should give her a little refresher in the next couple of weeks. I’m getting butterflies in my stomach just writing about this stuff.
From what I have been reading lately it seems like we are going to have some luck on this hunt. The drum counts were way up this spring. Also when Luke and I were out turkey hunting this spring I couldn’t help but notice the grouse drumming all day long. This looks like a good time to hit up some of our old hunting grounds. We may even stop by my Grandparents house for huge lunch, and take a short nap (just like we use to do every fall). I can’t wait.
Ben G.
Related posts
Monday, August 17, 2009
30th B-Day
9:09 AM | Posted by
Ben G. |
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Just wanted to let everyone know I am 30 today. Yes I do feel old now. Especially after the Surprise party My Wife and Mom threw for me. I really enjoyed it though. Have a great day.
Ben G.
Ben G.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
It’s never too early to start getting ready for deer season.
3:48 PM | Posted by
Ben G. |
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If you are any thing like me I always tend to wait till the last minute to take care of some my deer hunting necessities. Below you will find a list to help you get ready for the up coming deer season on time. Hopefully you can avoid last minute running around from store to store like a chicken with your head cut off. Here are Ten things you can do now to help prepare your self for the up coming Deer Hunting season
1. Take your gun out of storage, and disassemble it, clean toughly and put it back together. It’s better to take your gun apart now instead of shortly before the season. This way if you find out something is broken you have time to get it fixed.
2. Go shooting, it never hurts to be more comfortable with your gun and the best way to do that is to shoot it (practice makes perfect). Even if you have been using the same gun for years it’s still a good idea to shoot it and make sure every thing is working properly.
3. Take all of your gear out and go through it. You might find you need to replace something. The sooner you find out the more time you have to find a good deal on your replacement piece of equipment. For some good info on inspecting your gear Check out Whitetail Woods Tuesday's Tips & Techniques - #27
4. Call your hunting buddies and see if they are all still planning on hunting this season. This way you have time to find someone else to hunt with if they can’t make it out this year. Or in some cases you may need to find a new place to hunt.
5. If you use a portable stand take it out and set it up in a tree in the back yard. You check it out and see if any thing needs to be fixed, or modified.
6. If you hunt private land and have permanent stands now is a good time to get out and do any repairs. You will be out in the woods long before the season, and won’t have to worry about disrupting the deer’s routine right before the season starts.
7. Read as much as possible you never know what new tips you may come across. As I’ve learned in the past it can be the one new tip that makes for a successful season.
8. If you haven’t all ready start getting in shape. If nothing else start going on short daily walks. Any little bit helps you out for the season.
9. Start buying your ammo now! You can usually get a better price on it, and you will be more then likely able to get all the ammo you need.
10. Ok this one isn’t really a deer hunting tip. If you do all these things in advance it will free up more of your time to go out bird, and small game hunting this fall.
Ben G.
More hunting tips
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